Family Love.

After I finished the majority of my work Sunday, I was lucky enough to get in some quality time with the family.  It's a rare occasion because we're always so busy, but it makes the times that work out together more valued. Plus, it was a great excuse to take out my new lens in the overcast weather and snag a couple shots.

our dog, edison, hates the water.  the yellow lab that doesn't swim... go figure.  he enjoys standing on the edge of the pool steps and barking at us because he won't go in.  he also enjoys licking our wet heads or trying to catch water in his mouth.  funny and strange dog he is.  here's my brother spencer having some fun with eddie.

and he's got a pretty big tongue too..

my beautiful sister emily

and this shot wasn't from sunday, but i found it in my archives when i was backing up files.  last year i came home after i got back from living in whistler, and one of the first days back i came home to this.  edison with the top to the garbage stuck on his head.  he loves garbage as much as a filet mignon with a side of pigs ears.  caught in the act!  i had to snag a photo before i helped the poor guy out.